Wednesday, January 27, 2016


I was amazed. I was amazed at how well the sale went. We made about 3 grand. I was amazed I only had 1 reaction to selling our stuff. The item was a porcelain doll the hubby gave me for our first anniversary. I got teary eyed over her, but that was it. I guess the rest I didn't really care about. The move was easy. We are settling in for the year. It's been an adjustment learning to live with kids. Even the dogs are having a little trouble getting used to little hands on them consistently. The hubby and I know this year will be worth it in the end when we can buy our 5th wheel outright. That is the goal we are keeping  our eyes on. The great news is when we moved into our RV it is going to feel like a mansion, because our current room feels like a shoe box. Our credit cards are already looking so much better. I am amazed at how much stress was lifted off our shoulders from getting out from under that mortgage.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The Last Night

Tonight is the last night in our home. I am having mixed emotions about this. On one hand it will be wonderful to be out from under our mortgage. At the same time this has been our home for the last 4 years. We have poured our heart, sweat, tears,and money into this house to make it our home. We have some great memories here. We have struggled to keep this going, but it is almost over. The sale starts on Friday morning.

We turned our bedroom into our Christmas room. I am sitting in bed looking around and I see a cookies and milk set for Santa. The hubby and I bought this our first Christmas after we were married. We did not have kids, yet when I saw this set I saw the tradition of using this set year after year once we were parents. Now, 15 years later, we know that we will never have our own children unless we adopt, and I do not think that is in our cards either. Year after year we have pulled this set out and every year it makes me sad. It makes me sad for  the traditions and memories we will never create. I am getting off track here, That is a different post for a different day.

We are ready to let go, let go of the stress, let go of the stuff, let go off the memories.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Getting Closer

We are getting closer and closer to our big sale. The sale is six days away.  It will be hard to watch all the stuff we have accumulated over our 15 years of marriage, be sold off a little at a time. I know this is a huge step towards our goal. We had no idea that getting everything ready to sell would be so stressful. At this point I am so ready for this to be over with. We are both feeling so much stress. We are keeping a close eye on the weather for the weekend of our sale. So far it looks decent, but with crazy Texas weather you never know if it will behave or not. I can now see why some people just give their stuff away, That has to be an easier process that getting everything set up and priced, but we need all the cash we can get to help pay off some debt.

We went RV looking on Thursday. We found one. The only problem is we do not have the funds yet. If we would have had the funds we would have bought this RV. It is a 5er made by Carriage. It has everything we want in an RV. That is the only bad thing about looking, if you find one, you know it will not be available when you do have the funds. At this point in time RV looking is our new pass time. It helps us identify what we like or don't like, what we are willing to sacrifice on and what we will not sacrifice at all. It also helps remind us why we are going through all this stress. 

The day before our sale starts we are moving in with the hubby's sister. This is going to be an adventure and a half. We are so thankful that we have someone we can stay with to help build up our cash stash.

Monday, December 28, 2015


I am Jessica and I am married to Steve. We have two dogs. One is a miniature schnauzer named Princess. The other is a basset hound named Diesel. My hubby is currently working as a yard spotter. I work at a big box store with a blue logo, in the photo lab. We have been married for 15 years, and no we do not have kids. 

We are sick of working so hard and always being broke. We currently have a S&B home. (Stick and Brick) We are finishing up the 4th year of a 20 year mortgage. We are taking charge of our life and changing every thing. We are selling our house, most of our stuff, and we are going to move into my husbands sister's house for a year. During this year we will be paying off the debt we owe and saving as much money as we can. When this year is up we will be buying an RV and living in it full time. Hence the blog name. We are so excited about living this lifestyle. After we have had our RV for about a year we will begin the adventure of a lifetime. We will be traveling all over this great country of ours. We want to workamp. For those of you who do not know what that means basically you work to stay in park or resort. This little blog will be my place to vent about whatever is bugging me, a place to record our successes and failures in full time RVing, and a memory book of our adventures to look back on. We have decided to take this leap of faith and follow our dreams. I can not wait to see what is in store for us.